Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Routines are not just for kids! Routines are the cornerstone of highly successful people.

Do you crawl into bed at night (or the early hours of the morning) and then can’t get to sleep because your brain kicks into action? Do you then oversleep and have to haul yourself out of bed the next morning feeling tired and groggy? And then the stress kicks in about all you have to do that day?

That was my ‘routine’ every day for years and I didn’t realise it but I was suffering from burn out. I had no quality time built in to my routines and they weren’t planned and organised for success, they were bad habits built over time from being permanently overworked and then stressed. 

When I researched the habits of successful people, I noticed so many have strong and effective daily routines. Not just athletes, but entrepreneurs like Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Karren Brady, Gwyneth Paltrow. Richard Branson, Tony Robbins make a clear link with their success and Steven Covey wrote the highly influential book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that has sold millions.

What routines do is build self-discipline and get you out of survival mode. 

When I changed career, the first thing I did was build myself a daily routine that would set me up for success.

I know from research that building these new positive habits would take time. Research is unclear of whether it takes 21 days or 90 days to build a new habit, but I do know that we have to practise our new habits for a while to re-train our unconscious mind - which by the way loves habits.

And I’ve discovered that both morning and evening routines are equally important. it is the evening routine that prepares us for the morning routine. A good night’s sleep sets us up for success in the morning. 

I’ve discovered that small changes have a big impact. 

And that the best bit about my new routines are the rituals. 

What’s the difference? A routine getting up at the same time every day, the idea of being organised; a ritual getting up an hour earlier to spend time with yourself to meditate, reflect, create, the idea of creating quality time just for you.

For example, my evening ritual is my lavender tea, my gratitude journal, slowing my breathing using rest and digest, and how I use essential oils to relax and have a good night’s sleep. They are designed to bring me joy and create a relaxed state while wiring my brain into positive thinking before I try to sleep. 

My morning ritual is my ice cream matcha, my peripheral vision exercise, my intention setting and my morning essential oils. These all nurture a sense of wellbeing, get me focussed on my day ahead and set me up for a creative spurt. 

And I’ve discovered that NLP resource anchors are the most amazing tool as they combine visual and emotional triggers and help me sleep or make me feel excited about the day ahead. 

I’ve had my morning anchor for three years now and use it every day. It makes a huge difference to my productivity and makes me sleep better at night because I’m not worrying at the end of the day about what I didn’t do. Yes, there’s still stuff to do, there always will be, but I don’t get a sense of I haven’t done enough. And that’s the difference.

These rituals are an important part of my routine because they make me feel good and maximise my mental state. I teach my clients a resource anchor - those who remember to use it every day find it life-changing.

I’ve teamed up with a yoga practitioner as I know that yoga is also life changing for managing stress. We have created two awesome sessions for both parts of your day so you can start to rewire your brain for the awesome you. 

Combining the power of yoga and NLP to build your own awesome routine will be life-changing. If like me, you haven’t done yoga in a long while, if not ever, you will be able to use the experience to create the emotive states that you can then anchor to use forever more. 

Imagine creating your own routine and rituals to create your perfect day to achieve the life you want.

Join us here in the beautiful Essex countryside  

Routines are not just for kids! Routines are the cornerstone of highly successful people.

Do you crawl into bed at night (or the early hours of the morning) and then can’t get to sleep because your brain kicks into action? Do y...